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. 2012 Jul 25;176(4):327–337. doi: 10.1093/aje/kws012

Table 1.

Comparison of the Exposure, Cognitive, and Health Outcome Scores and the Sociodemographic Background Variables, United Kingdom RANCH Project, 2001–2003

Characteristic Subsample With Air Pollution Data (n = 719)
Sample Without Air Pollution Data (n = 241)
Difference Between the Samples With and Without Air Pollution Dataa
Range Mean (SD) % Range Mean (SD) % t χ2 P Value
Exposure data
 Aircraft noise exposure at school, dBA 34–68 54 (10.6) 46–59 52 (3.83) 3.60 <0.01
 Road traffic noise exposure at school, dBA 37–67 50 (7.7) 47–63 52 (5.04) −4.78 <0.01
 Nitrogen dioxide at school, μg/m3 29.41–79.88 42.73 (10.60) N/A N/A
Cognitive outcomes
 Reading comprehension −1.49–2.51 0.20 (1.13) −1.49–2.51 0.23 (1.11) −0.36 0.72
 Recognition memory 15–30 25.10 (2.63) 14–30 24.78 (2.75) 1.54 0.12
 Information recall 0–30.5 19.02 (5.31) 0–29 18.06 (5.86) 2.30 0.02
 Conceptual recall 0–7.5 5.25 (1.37) 0–7.5 5.04 (1.53) 1.93 0.06
 Working memory −11–32 15.02 (7.37) −13–32 14.50 (7.85) 0.84 0.40
Health outcomes
 Overall Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire score 0–34 10.16 (6.02) 0–29 9.79 (5.63) 0.81 0.42
 Very good/good self- rated health 82.7 80.8 4.43 0.51
 Fair/poor/very poor self-rated health 17.3 19.2
 Systolic blood pressureb 85–141 108.4 (10.1) 91–135 110.5 (8.0) −1.89 0.06
 Diastolic blood pressureb 49–106 67.1 (8.1) 46–82 66.9 (7.5) 0.16 0.87
 Sociodemographic factors
 Age 8 years, 10 months–11 years, 11 months 10 years, 3 months 8 years, 10 months–11 years, 11 months 10 years, 3 months −0.78 0.43
 Male 45.6 43.6 0.30 0.58
 Female 54.4 56.4
 Parent(s) not employed 22.7 22.9 0.004 0.95
 Parent(s) employed 77.3 77.1
 Home overcrowded 21.7 25.7 1.53 0.22
 Home not owned/ mortgaged 42.5 41.0 0.16 0.67
 Child has long- standing illness 26.6 25.7 0.07 0.79
 Child speaks other language at home 20.3 27.0 4.67 0.03
 Classroom has single window glazing 57.3 74.7 73.23 <0.01
 Mother's educational levelb 0.004–0.853 0.48 (0.28) 0.004–0.853 0.56 (0.28) −4.28 <0.01
 Parental support scale 4–12 10.2 (2.0) 5–12 10.2 (1.9) −0.40 0.69
 Small blood pressure cuff sizec 5.8 1.3 2.55 0.11
 Low birth weight (<2,500 g)c 9.4 8.0 0.14 0.71
 Premature birth (before gestational week 36)c 12.0 14.7 0.40 0.53
 Parent(s) with high blood pressureb 20.3 25.3 0.89 0.35
 Body mass indexc,d 9–23 13.3 (2.32) 10–18 13.0 (1.71) 1.31 0.19
 Temperature during blood pressure measurement, °Cc 20–27 22.9 (1.63) 21–26 23.8 (1.35) −4.47 <0.01

Abbreviations: dB(A), sound level in decibels A-weighted to approximate the typical sensitivity of the human ear; N/A, not applicable; RANCH, Road Traffic and Aircraft Noise Exposure and Children's Cognition and Health; SD, standard deviation.

a χ2 tests were used for categorical variables and t tests were used for continuous variables to detect differences between the samples with and without air pollution data.

b Measured using a relative inequality index based on a ranked index of standard qualifications in each country resulting in a standardized score ranging from 0.01 to 1.00.

c These factors were only included as confounders/covariates in the blood pressure regression models and the numbers were reduced. There were 276 for whom we had air pollution data and 75 for whom we did not.

d Weight (kg)/height (m)2.