For each network vertical bars on the left represent plant abundance and bars on the right represent ant abundance; the width of the grey lines connecting them represents the frequency of that interaction. Ant species: 1 Allomerus decemarticulatus, 2 Allomerus octoarticulatus, 3 Allomerus septemarticulatus, 4 Azteca spp., 5 Camponotus balzani, 6 Crematogaster laevis, 7 Myrcidris epicharis, 8 Pseudomyrmex concolor, 9 Pseudomyrmex nigrescens, 10 Pheidole minutula. Plant species: 1 Cecropia purpurascens, 2 Cordia nodosa, 3 Duroia saccifera, 4 Hirtella myrmecophila, 5 Hirtella physophora, 6 Maieta guianensis, 7 Myrcia madida, 8 Porouma spp., 9 Tachigali myrmecophila, 10 Tachigali pumblea, 11 Tachigali venusta, 12 Tococa bullifera.