Top: Overall, the BPD group showed greater amygdala activation during the repeated pictures compared with the healthy control and SPD groups. In contrast, the SPD group showed greater amygdala activation during the novel picture presentation. As shown, this Group × Picture repetition (novel, repeat) interaction was significant. Significant post-hoc Fisher’s LSD tests, p<0.05 and standard error bars are shown for both graphs.
Bottom: For each of the groups, the mean amygdala BOLD response is shown during the novel and repeated picture presentations for each of the three picture types. Compared with healthy controls and schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) patients, the borderline personality disorder (BPD) patients showed an increase in their mean amygdala response from the novel to the repeated emotional (both the unpleasant and pleasant pictures) pictures. This Group × Picture type (unpleasant, neutral, pleasant) × Picture repetition (novel, repeat) interaction was significant.