Table 1.
Studies aiming at measuring the relative rate of evolution of phosphorylation sites (comparison of phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated sites).
study | dataset | comparative method | conclusion |
Gnad et al. [15] | large-scale phosphoproteomic experiments on human HeLa cells | examine whether sites are conserved across organisms (70 organisms from E. coli to mouse) | (i) phosphosites are more conserved than non-phosphorylated sites: 88% versus 81% for pS and S when compared with mouse and considering loop regions only |
Malik et al. [28] | phosphoproteomics data derived from the human mitotic spindle apparatus | derived a normalized, relative score from the number of vertebrate species with a conserved residue (among six total species) | (i) phosphosites are more conserved than non-phosphorylated sites: 92% of pS/pT/pY conserved in mouse compared with 84% for S/T/Y (ii) phosphorylation sites with experimentally verified biological functions are significantly more conserved. Median conservation score: S/T/Y: −0.0893; pS/pT/pY: 0.1144; functional pS/pT/pY: 0.183 |
Boekhorst et al. [29] | comparisons of phosphosites for six eukaryote species (human, mouse, fly, yeast, plant, zebrafish) | all-against-all Smith–Waterman searches to measure overlap | (i) overlap of orthologous phosphosites among the datasets greater than expected by chance alone(ii) conserved phosphosites are slightly more likely to be found in globular domains (iii) three-way comparisons show conservation from 1.6 to 7.4 fold over the expectation |
Landry et al. [25] | comparisons of rate of evolution of human phosphosites among vertebrates and yeast phosphosites among yeasts | measure relative rate of evolution across the proteome using concatenated multiple species alignment | (i) phosphorylation sites are significantly older that non-phosphorylated residues in both the yeast and human lineages (ii) phosphorylation sites with experimentally verified biological functions are significantly more conserved |
Tan et al. [30] | human, fly, worm and yeast phosphorylation sites from large-scale and small scale experiments. | compare the conservation of phosphorylation in three model organisms, fly, worm and yeast and conservation of residues in other species. | (i) phosphorylation sites are more conserved than non-phosphorylated ones |
Ba & Moses [31] | analysis of high-confidence annotated sites in budding yeast | compare rates of substitution at phosphosites and flanking sites by comparing with four closely related species | (i) overall, significant reduction in amino acid substitution at phosphosites compared with flanking regions (0.07 versus 0.12) (ii) sites grouped by protein kinases show that some sites evolve slower, though not all |
Chen et al. [32] | human and mouse experimentally verified phosphosites. | measure the rate of evolution of phosphosites by inferring the ancestral phosphoproteome of human and mouse. Ancestral phosphorylation states are predicted | (i) phosphorylated S/T evolve slower than non-phosphorylated sites in both ordered and disordered regions (overall S: 0.097 versus 0.127; T: 0.121 versus 0.139) (ii) phosphorylated Tyr evolve at similar rate as non-phosphorylated Tyr |
Boulais et al. [23] | compare the phosphorylation of Mouse, Drosophila and Dictyostelium phagosome proteins | compare the number of orthologous sites phosphorylated in two species with what is expected by chance | (i) phosphosites are more likely to occur at homologous positions between species |
Wang et al. [33] | human phosphosites from large-scale and small-scale (annotated) studies | compare human phosphosites to orthologous sites in a second species | (i) phosphosites evolve slower than their flanking sequences for some functional categories and not others (ii) phosphosites of known function evolve slower than those of unknown function |
Gray et al. [34] | human phosphosites, including annotated ones | estimate the absolute rates of evolution by mapping sequence differences among 44 species and dividing by the total time; P-sites of protein are compared with all equivalent sites of the same protein | (i) evidence for higher purifying selection in about 70% of phosphorylated sites; 30% of phosphorylation sites evolve at the same rate or faster than equivalent residues on the same proteins |
Park et al. [35] | analysis of mouse phosphorylation sites in nine mouse tissues (36 000 sites) | measure conservation by comparison with rat, human and chicken separately | (i) found no significant difference in the rate of evolution of phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated S, T and Y |