Figure 2.
Labelled endocasts of the dichobunoid artiodactyls (a,c) D. ilicis (AMNH VP 16141) and (b,d) Homacodon vagans (USNM 482369) in the (a,b) dorsal, (c) ventral and (d) lateral view (scale bar, 5 mm). Abbreviations: bs, brain stem; fp, fissura prima; gr, groove; g3, gyrus 3; llc, lateral lobe of the cerebellum; ls, lateral sulcus; mb, midbrain; ob, olfactory bulb; ot, olfactory tubercle; pa, paraflocculus; pf, paramedian fissure; pi, pituitary; pyl, pyriform lobe; rh, rhinal fissure; sf, sylvian fossa; si, sinus; ssy, suprasylvia; vm, vermis; II–XII refer to cranial nerves. Institutional abbreviation: USNM, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington.