The PSI-2 psaN is required for P. stewartii persistence in the flea beetle gut. (A) Diagram of flea beetle foregut (fg), midgut (mg), hindgut (hg), and Malpighian tubules (mt). (B to G) Immunochemical localization of P. stewartii (green fluorescence) in propidium iodide-stained guts (red fluorescence). Beetles fed on healthy control plants for 2 h (B) and 12 days (C), beetles fed on wild-type (DC283) P. stewartii-infected plants for 2 h (day 0) (D) and 12 h (E), and beetles fed on psaN-deficient (DM5121) P. stewartii for 2 h (day 0) (F) and 12 h (G) are shown. Bars, 100 µm.