Figure 7. Dating estimates for the origins of CGs.
Dated phylogeny for the coat protein (CP) genes of CLCuD-associated begomoviruses originating from Asia (A). The scaled to time trees were generated by using uncorrelated relaxed LogNormal clock model in the BEAST program (v1.6). The base of each clade is labeled with the mean time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) values. Red boxes on nodes indicate viruses which were present before the first appearance of CLCuD in 1967, while blue boxes represent viruses which appeared after the first incidence of the disease. A non-dated phylogeny for the replication-associated protein of CLCuD-associated begomoviruses originating from Asia is shown for comparison (B). Due to recombination the lineages in panel B do not the mirror those of panel A and recombination also leads to some virus species not being monophyletic.