Table 2.
Results from a repeated measures general linear model (GLM) analysis of the variations in antibody levels
Dependent pair (pre- and post-treatment) | Time F (P) | Time*sex F (P) | Time*age F (P) | Time*village F (P) | Time*infection intensity F (P) | Time*PZQ treatment F (P) |
Anti-schistosome responses | ||||||
SWAP IgE | 77·178 (<0·001) | 0·040 (0·842) f<m | 0·108 (0·898) | 13·925 (<0·001)H > L | 19·561 (<0·001) | 5·558 (0·019)T > U |
SWAP IgG4 | 49·485 (<0·001) | 2·077 (0·15) f < m | 11·024 (<0·001) | 0·354 (0·552)H > L | 26·952 (<0·001) | 0·209 (0·648)T > U |
SWAP IgE/IgG4 | 4·72 (0·031) | 0·558 (0·455)f > m | 1·778 (0·171) | 0·095 (0·758)H > L | 1·052 (0·306) | 4·342 (0·038)T > U |
SEA-IgE | 5·00 (0·026) | 1·315 (0·252)f < m | 5·828 (0·003) | 50·299 (<0·001)H > L | 15·534 (<0·001) | 3·193 (0·075)T < U |
SEA-IgG4 | 0·323 (0·57) | 0·279 (0·597)f < m | 0·321 (0·726) | 2·638 (0·105)H > L | 6·086 (0·014) | 2·368 (0·125)T > U |
SEA-IgE/IgG4 | 2·070 (0·151) | 0·44 (0·508) f > m | 1·378 (0·254) | 36·535 (<0·001)H < L | 1·586 (0·209) | 1·041 (0·308)T < U |
Anti-allergen responses | ||||||
Derp1-IgE | 47·238 (<0·001) | 6·281 (0·013)f > m | 6·939 (0·001) | 6·382 (0·012)H < L | 0·009 (0·926) | 4·902 (0·028)T > U |
Derp1-IgG4 | 42·278 (<0·001) | 3·548 (0·061)f < m | 13·72 (<0·001) | 34·706 (<0·001)H < L | 1·783 (0·183) | 0·768 (0·382)T < U |
Derp1-IgE/IgG4 | 34·963 (<0·001) | 0·271 (0·603)f > m | 4·347 (0·014) | 15·063 (<0·001)H > L | 3·786 (0·053) | 3·414 (0·066)T < U |
F (and P) values from repeated measures GLM analysis of the parameters explaining the variations in antibody responses (and ratios) over time (time here stands for the 6 weeks between pre- and post-treatment collection day). Significant P-values <0·05 are highlighted in bold. SWAP, soluble worm antigen preparation; SEA, soluble egg antigen; Derp1, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergen 1; PZQ, praziquantel; f, female; m, male; H, high infection area; L, low infection area; T, treated; U: untreated.