Last Pap smear test |
Last year |
139 (79.43) |
Within the last 3 years |
12 (6.86) |
More than 3 years |
17 (9.71) |
Never |
6 (3.43) |
Did not respond |
1 (0.57) |
Do you have any intention of going for a Pap smear test in the next year? |
Yes |
126 (72.00) |
No |
7 (4.00) |
Maybe |
42 (24.00) |
What is a Pap smear test? |
Scraping to look for abnormal cervical cells |
80 (45.71) |
Treatment for cancer |
16 (9.14) |
Test for sexually and blood-borne transmitted infection |
52 (29.71) |
A test necessary to get birth control pills prescribed |
5 (2.86) |
Do not know |
22 (12.57) |
Experiences with Pap smear among women who have a history of Pap smears |
n (%) (n=168) |
Have you ever had a previous abnormal Pap smear test result? |
Yes |
34 (20.24) |
No |
82 (48.81) |
Unsure |
52 (30.95) |
Do you feel embarrassed when undergoing a Pap smear test? |
Yes |
62 (36.90) |
No |
106 (63.10) |
Do you prefer if the nurse/doctor explains each step of the examination during the Pap smear test? |
Yes |
107 (63.69) |
No |
28 (16.67) |
Does not matter |
33 (19.64) |
Do you feel more comfortable undergoing a Pap test if the nurse/doctor is: |
A female |
119 (70.83) |
A male |
1 (0.60) |
A doctor/nurse you already know |
16 (9.52) |
Does not matter |
32 (19.05) |
Do you feel pain when undergoing a Pap test? |
Yes |
14 (8.33) |
No |
85 (50.60) |
Sometimes |
69 (41.07) |