Fig. 5.
IncC2 K10A- and IncC2 K15A-mediated incompatibility against pRK22324. Stability assays were performed as described in Fig. 3, except that ampicillin was used to screen for the presence of the target plasmid (pRK22324). All strains harbor pRK22324 (ΔincC korB+ OB1+; Fig. 2). In addition, they contain pJAK16 (vector) (circles), pRK22429 (tacp-incC2-T7) (squares), pRK22455 (tacp-incC2 K10A-T7) (upward-pointing triangles) or pRK22456 (tacp-incC2 K15A-T7) (downward-pointing triangles). The symbols are the same as those used in Fig. 4. (A) no IPTG, (B) 0.01 mM IPTG, (C) 0.1 mM IPTG. SEM bars are indicated as in Fig. 3.