Table 1.
Studies in chronological order | # in Study | Age | Assessment Method | Immune Measure | Behavior Measure |
(Scifo et al., 1996) | 12 | 7–15 | BSE and CARS | Ratio of CD4 to CD8 positive T-cells | Administration of naltrexone led to reduction of “autistic” symptomology and increased ratio of CD4 to CD8 cells |
(Gupta et al., 1996) | 25 | 3–12 | No formal testing | immunoglobuli n levels | IVIG resulted in improvements in eye contact, calmer behavior, improvement in speech and echolalia |
(Plioplys, 1998) | 10 | 4–17 | No formal testing | IVIG | IVIG treatment resulted in transient improvements in attention span and hyperactivity; improvement declined after 5 months |
(Sandler et al., 2000) | 11 | 3–6 | CARS | GI issues | Improvements in communication and asocial behaviors after vancomycin treatment, but were lost after conclusion of treatment |
(Shenoy et al., 2000) | 1 | 2 | No formal testing | Autoimmune liymphoprolfer ative syndrome(ALPS) | Treatment with prednisone resulted in marked improvement in social and communication skills |
(Curran et al., 2007) | 60 | 2–18 | ABC | Fever | Fewer aberrant behaviors were recorded for subjects with fever (>100.4°F) compared with controls. Improvements were transient. |
(Ashwood et al., 2008) | 143 | 2–5 | ADI-R, ADOS, SCQ, VABS, MSEL, ABC | Plasma levels of active TGFβ1 | Lower TGFβ1 levels were associated with lower adaptive behaviors and worse behavioral symptoms |
(Iwata et al., 2008a) | 37 | 20–25 | ADI-R | Plasma levels of P-selectin | Lower levels of P-selectin associated with poor social development |
(Heuer et al., 2008) | 271 | 2–5 | ADI-R, ADOS, ABC | IgG levels in plasma | Decreased IgG associated with increased aberrant behaviors |
(Grigorenko et al., 2008) | 1059 | n.s. | ADI-R and ADOS | Genotyping of the MIF gene, and plasma levels of MIF(n=20) | Plasma MIF levels were positively correlated with worse scores on ADOS for social impairment and imaginative skills |
(Onore et al., 2009) | 60 | 2–5 | ADOS, ADI-R, MSEL, VABS and ABC | Induced cytokine response to PHA | Negative correlation between PHA induced IL-23 production and sociability scores of the ADOS |
(Enstrom et al., 2010) | 30 | 2–5 | ADI-R, ADOS, SCQ, VABS, MSEL, ABC | Monocyte TLR ligand stimulation | More impaired social behaviors and non-verbal communication are associated with increased production of IL-1β and IL-6 after TLR4 stimulation |
(Ashwood et al., 2010) | 139 | 2–5 | ADI-R, ADOS, SCQ, VABS, MSEL, ABC | Induced cytokine response to PHA and LPS | Pro-inflammatory or TH1 cytokines were associated with greater impairments in core features of ASD as well as aberrant behaviors; GM-CSF and TH2 cytokines were associated with better cognitive and adaptive function |
(Goines et al., 2010) | 466 | 2–5 | ADI-R, ADOS, SCQ, VABS, MSEL, ABC | Antibodies directed against a 45 or 62 kDa cerebellum protein | Children with antibodies directed against a 45 kDa cerebellum protein had increased, lethargy and stereotypy; children with antibodies against a 62 kDa cerebellum protein showed increased aberrant behaviors on the VABS composite standard score |
(Kajizuka et al., 2010a) | 62 | 6–19 | ADI-R | Serum levels of PDGF | Increased serum levels of PDGF-BB homodimers positively associated with increased restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior and interests |
(Ashwood et al., 2011c) | 175 | 2–5 | ADI-R, ADOS, SCQ, VABS, MSEL, ABC | Plasma Chemokines CCL2, CCL5 and eotaxin | Plasma chemokine levels associated with higher aberrant behavior scores and more impaired developmental and adaptive function |
(Ashwood et al., 2011b) | 223 | 2–5 | ADI-R, ADOS, SCQ, VABS, MSEL, ABC | Plasma levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-12p40 | Elevated cytokine levels in plasma were associated with more impaired communication and aberrant behaviors |
BSE = Behavior Summarized Evaluation; ABC = Aberrant Behavior Checklist; CARS = Childhood autism rating scale; ADI-R = Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised; ADOS = Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; SCQ = Social Communication Questionnaire; VABS = Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale; GI = gastrointestinal; MIF = macrophage migration inhibitory factor; PDGF = platelet derived growth factor