Figure 3. Anxiety and locomotor activity 21 days after SE.
Light-dark preference (A), the number of transitions between the light and dark sides of the box in the 10 min trial period (B), the total distance traveled (C) and average speed (D) were compared among the four groups of mice. All groups had similar preference for the dark (A). Both saline-treated control groups (WT and nCOX-2 cKO) were significantly less active than their respective pilocarpine-treated groups, but for both treatments the two genotypes behaved similarly (B, C). There was no interaction between genotype and treatment (in panel B, F=0.002, p=0.96; in panel C, F= 0.44, p=0.51; in panel D, F=0.72, p=.40), but there was a strong main effect of treatment (p<0.0001 for both panels B,C; p=.0004 in panel D). The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test; the post-hoc p-values shown. WT Saline n=8, nCOX-2 cKO Saline n=9, WT Pilocarpine n=7, and nCOX-2 cKO Pilocarpine n=11.