A. Representative tracings of ECG, right ventricular pressure (RVP), systemic arterial pressure (AP), and pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) during atrial pacing at a rate of 80/min and following induction of AF
B. Incidence of sustained AF in Control and 3-days postoperative pigs. *P=0.0079 versus Controls
C. Left atrial effective refractory period duration versus incidence of AF sustained >60 s after 10 s rapid pacing (Y, yes versus N, no) plotted for control and 3-days postoperative pigs as indicated
D. Mean KCNE1 transcript intensity in LA tissue of Control (C) and postoperative (P) pigs; n = 3–5
E. Mean GAPDH transcript intensity in LA tissue of Control (C) and postoperative (P) pigs; n = 3–5
F. Left, exemplar western blots using anti-KCNE1 antibody to probe lysates from LA tissue of Control (C) and postoperative (P) pigs; right, band densitometry for blots as in left; n = 4–5, each performed in triplicate
G. Left, exemplar western blots using anti-GAPDH antibody to probe lysates from LA tissue of Control (C) and postoperative (P) pigs; right, band densitometry for blots as in left; n = 4–5, each performed in triplicate
H. Hypothetical framework of POAF etiology drawing from the findings herein and previous functional analyses of the genes listed.