Figure 4.
Serum cytokine values. Serum evaluation of (A) IL-8 (B) Eotaxin-1, (C) IL-5, (D) IL-6, (E) IL-10 and (F) sIL-2 levels in groups with probable CSS, definite biopsy proven CSS, HES with asthma and/or sinusitis, HES without asthma or sinusitis and normal subjects. * p<0.05 by 1 way ANOVA. Horizontal line denotes mean minimal detectable levels. Mean minimal detectable values are as follows: IL-8 (0.3pg/mL), IL-6 (0.4pg/mL), Eotaxin-1 (2.1pg/mL), IL-10 (0.3pg/mL), IL-5 (0.1pg/mL), and sIL-2R (7.5pg/mL). Abbreviations: CSS-Churg Strauss Syndrome, HESwAS-Hypereosinophilic syndrome with asthma and/or sinusitis, HES-Hypereosinophilic syndrome.