Fig. 7.
Measurements of CBF were unaffected by (±)-rolipram treatment in TBI animals. CBF in the ipsilateral cortex at 3 hr post-injury was quantified using 14C-iodantipyrine as the tracer and autoradiography. Images from bregma level +0.7 mm to −7.3 mm are shown for (A) sham, (B) vehicle-treated TBI animals, and (C) (±)-rolipram-treated TBI animals (3 mg/kg, i.v.). Images represent that average CBF at each bregma level for each treatment group (n = 4 animals per group). A significant decrease in CBF (D) was observed for both vehicle and (±)-rolipram-treated TBI animals as compared to sham animals. Mean ± SEM, n = 4 animals/group, ***P < 0.001 for sham versus TBI animals.