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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Mens Health. 2012 Jun 1;9(2):120–126. doi: 10.1016/j.jomh.2012.03.004

Table 2.

Results from adjusted logistic regression models predicting the effects of social determinants on the cardiovascular clinical risk factors

Rural 256 Urban 292 Rural vs Urban 548

Clinical cardiovascular risk factors Clinical cardiovascular risk factors Clinical cardiovascular risk factors
Outcome variable n=120 vs n=85 n=115 vs n=141 n=235 vs n=226
Primary predictors OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value
 < High school 0.845 0.327, 2.187 0.7286 2.729 0.712, 10.455 0.1429 1.228 0.579, 2.604 0.5927
 High school Referent Referent Referent
 ≥ Some college 0.735 0.368, 1.468 0.3833 1.583 0.718, 3.493 0.2550 0.960 0.579, 1.592 0.8750
 Employed Referent Referent Referent
 Unemployed 3.833 1.523, 9.644 0.0043 0.720 0.285, 1.814 0.4856 1.746 0.946, 3.223 0.0749
 < 25K Referent Referent Referent
 ≥ 25k and <50k 0.616 0.294, 1.295 0.2014 1.707 0.644, 4.525 0.2827 0.888 0.497, 1.587 0.6884
 ≥ 50k 0.859 0.375, 1.966 0.7185 1.609 0.641, 4.040 0.3110 0.972 0.539, 1.754 0.9254
General Stress
 Very little or none 10.702 10.340, 11.446 10.3370 10.677 10.335, 11.365 10.2752 10.711 10.433, 11.167 10.1775
20.774 20.372, 21.615 20.4954 20.686 20.342, 21.376 20.2882 20.737 20.448, 21.211 20.2286
30.732 30.346, 31.549 30.4153 30.692 30.323, 31.479 30.3421 30.771 30.458, 31.301 30.3303
 Some Referent Referent Referent
 High or very high 11.158 10.519, 12.586 10.7197 11.973 10.971, 14.010 10.0604 11.525 10.904, 12.573 10.1138
21.182 20.515, 22.714 20.6935 22.097 21.034, 24.249 20.0400 21.533 20.907, 22.592 20.1107
31.190 30.516, 32.743 30.6835 32.119 31.010, 34.445 30.0469 31.586 30.920, 32.733 30.0969
Racial discrimination
 No Referent Referent Referent
 Yes 10.587 10.106, 13.250 10.5422 10.835 10.290, 12.407 10.7389 10.725 10.296, 11.775 10.4815
20.731 20.131, 24.066 20.7207 20.861 20.300, 22.469 20.7807 20.753 20.310 , 21.828 20.5313
30.501 30.088, 32.853 30.4362 30.740 30.229, 32.391 30.6145 30.618 30.233, 31.641 30.3345
Stress due to racial discrimination
 Low or no stress Referent Referent Referent
 Moderate or high 11.909 10.332,110.977 10.4685 11.878 10.622, 15.672 10.2641 11.818 10.721, 14.584 10.2051
21.387 20.240, 28.007 20.7143 21.701 20.570,25.075 20.3410 21.729 20.692, 24.317 20.2409
31.897 30.320, 11.235 30.4803 31.757 30.518, 35.962 30.3661 31.975 30.723, 35.392 30.1843
Age (per 1 year 11.053 11.030, 11.076 1<.0001 11.054 11.034, 11.074 1<.0001 11.052 11.037, 11.067 1<.0001
 increase) 21.055 21.033, 21.078 2<.0001 21.053 21.033, 21.073 2<.0001 21.054 21.040, 21.069 2<.0001
31.054 31.031, 31.078 3<.0001 31.058 31.036, 31.080 3<.0001 31.055 31.039, 31.071 3<.0001
11.090 10.470, 12.527 10.8404 12.443 1.153, 15.178 10.0197 11.647 10.950, 12.855 10.0756
Race (Black vs White)
20.997 20.430, 22.312 20.9952 22.484 21.2 16, 25.07 7 20.0126 21.592 20.942, 22.691 20.0825
31.397 30.592, 33.295 30.4455 33.127 31.322, 37.397 30.0094 31.939 31.077, 33.491 30.0272
Location(Rural vs Urban) 11.826 11.170, 12.849 10.0080
21.804 21.186, 22.743 20.0058
31.977 31.231, 33.174 30.0048

Level of significance was established as a two-tailed P value of <0.05.

The clinical cardiovascular risk factors included “yes” vs “no” responses to the query of hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol, and body mass index equal or more than 25, with less than two clinical risk factors as the referent group. OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Education, Employment, and Income were run in separate models to avoid co-linearity.


Model with Education


Model with Employment


Model with Income.