AC1/AC8 double-knockout mice do not exhibit diurnal oscillations in pErk activity or cAMP in the hippocampus. (A) pMEK1/2, MEK1, pErk1/2, actin, and total Erk protein in pooled wild-type (WT) and DKO hippocampal tissue taken at ZT8 or ZT20. (B) Quantification of pErk relative to Erk expression in DKO animals. Two-tailed t-test; error bars, SE (n = 10 for each genotype, n = 5 per time point). (C) Quantification of the fold change in cAMP accumulation in DKO hippocampus at ZT8 and ZT20. P = 0.1300. Two-tailed t-test; error bars, SE (error derived from four experiments, three hippocampal lobes pooled per time point per experiment). (Adapted from Eckel-Mahan et al. 2008.)