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. 2012 Feb 21;47(3 Pt 2):1363–1386. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2012.01386.x

Table 3.

Presentation of Results in CBPR Clinical Trials (N = 19)

Primary Author Significant Differences between Control and Study Group Noted? Significant Baseline Differences Adjusted for in Results Type(s) of Outcomes under Study Baseline Measures Reported Outcome Measures Reported Primary Outcomes of Study Study Successful in Achieving Primary Outcome
Balcazar (2009) Yes Yes Clinical behavioral Yes Yes No difference in waist circumference or BMI; significant differences among perceived benefits and salt, cholesterol, and fat intake Yes
Balcazar (2010) Yes Yes Clinical behavioral Yes Yes Significant improvement in diastolic BP, weight control practices, salt, cholesterol, and fat intake Yes
Blumenthal Yes No Clinical knowledge, behavioral Yes Yes Significant increase in colorectal cancer knowledge, increase in colorectal cancer screening rates within 6 months of intervention Yes
Estabrooks No NA Behavioral Yes Yes Inactive or insufficiently active participants at baseline experienced significant increases in both moderate and vigorous physical activity Yes
Feinberg No NA Process Yes Yes Coalition functioning in a youth recruitment intervention Yes
Froelicher Yes No Behavioral Yes Yes No statistically significant differences in smoking between control group and interventional group No
Horowitz NA NA Process (recruitment) Yes Yes Recruitment of minority populations Yes
Kim Yes Yes Clinical behavioral Yes Yes Anthropometrics (BMI, waist: hip ratio) and health behaviors Yes; reduced weight, reduced hip and weight girth, and increased physical activity compared with control
Leeman-Castillo NA NA Behavioral Yes Yes Nutritional intake by guidelines, physical activity by guidelines, smoking cessation Yes; improved fruit and vegetable intake, increased levels of physical activity
Levine No NA Clinical Yes Yes Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure No; both groups exhibited increased BP control, no difference between more versus less intensive care
Linnan NA NA Process (communication regarding health messages) No Yes Discussion/communication of health behaviors Yes; high levels of self-reported discussions of health behaviors, and high recall of discussions after 12 months
Mikami No NA Report of peer relations Yes Yes Ratings of peer relationships Yes; intervention group had improved peer relationships over time
Nguyen No NA Behavioral process (capacity building infrastructure) Yes Yes Pap test outcomes Yes
Parikh Yes No Clinical behavioral Yes Yes Weight loss Yes; significant weight loss noted in intervention group
Redmond No No Behavioral attitudes No Yes Youth, parent and family relationship (general child management, parent–child effective quality, parent–child activities) Yes; general child management, parent–child activities, and skill outcomes improved in intervention group
Reed Yes No Behavioral attitudes No No Farm safety attitudes Yes; positive changes in farm safety attitudes and discussions related to injury prevention, and improved safety behavior
Riggs Yes No Behavioral process (community organization empowerment) Yes Yes Quality of strategic plans; committee functioning; prevention plan activities Yes; increased quality of strategic plans; higher committee functioning; increased prevention plan activities
Siegel Yes Yes Clinical behavioral Yes Yes BMI, waist: hip ratio, minutes of physical activity, fruit and vegetable intake Yes; reduction in BMI
Two Feathers Yes Yes Clinical behavioral other Yes Yes Change in Hg A1C, weight, BMI, BP Yes