Table 3.
Presentation of Results in CBPR Clinical Trials (N = 19)
Primary Author | Significant Differences between Control and Study Group Noted? | Significant Baseline Differences Adjusted for in Results | Type(s) of Outcomes under Study | Baseline Measures Reported | Outcome Measures Reported | Primary Outcomes of Study | Study Successful in Achieving Primary Outcome |
Balcazar (2009) | Yes | Yes | Clinical behavioral | Yes | Yes | No difference in waist circumference or BMI; significant differences among perceived benefits and salt, cholesterol, and fat intake | Yes |
Balcazar (2010) | Yes | Yes | Clinical behavioral | Yes | Yes | Significant improvement in diastolic BP, weight control practices, salt, cholesterol, and fat intake | Yes |
Blumenthal | Yes | No | Clinical knowledge, behavioral | Yes | Yes | Significant increase in colorectal cancer knowledge, increase in colorectal cancer screening rates within 6 months of intervention | Yes |
Estabrooks | No | NA | Behavioral | Yes | Yes | Inactive or insufficiently active participants at baseline experienced significant increases in both moderate and vigorous physical activity | Yes |
Feinberg | No | NA | Process | Yes | Yes | Coalition functioning in a youth recruitment intervention | Yes |
Froelicher | Yes | No | Behavioral | Yes | Yes | No statistically significant differences in smoking between control group and interventional group | No |
Horowitz | NA | NA | Process (recruitment) | Yes | Yes | Recruitment of minority populations | Yes |
Kim | Yes | Yes | Clinical behavioral | Yes | Yes | Anthropometrics (BMI, waist: hip ratio) and health behaviors | Yes; reduced weight, reduced hip and weight girth, and increased physical activity compared with control |
Leeman-Castillo | NA | NA | Behavioral | Yes | Yes | Nutritional intake by guidelines, physical activity by guidelines, smoking cessation | Yes; improved fruit and vegetable intake, increased levels of physical activity |
Levine | No | NA | Clinical | Yes | Yes | Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure | No; both groups exhibited increased BP control, no difference between more versus less intensive care |
Linnan | NA | NA | Process (communication regarding health messages) | No | Yes | Discussion/communication of health behaviors | Yes; high levels of self-reported discussions of health behaviors, and high recall of discussions after 12 months |
Mikami | No | NA | Report of peer relations | Yes | Yes | Ratings of peer relationships | Yes; intervention group had improved peer relationships over time |
Nguyen | No | NA | Behavioral process (capacity building infrastructure) | Yes | Yes | Pap test outcomes | Yes |
Parikh | Yes | No | Clinical behavioral | Yes | Yes | Weight loss | Yes; significant weight loss noted in intervention group |
Redmond | No | No | Behavioral attitudes | No | Yes | Youth, parent and family relationship (general child management, parent–child effective quality, parent–child activities) | Yes; general child management, parent–child activities, and skill outcomes improved in intervention group |
Reed | Yes | No | Behavioral attitudes | No | No | Farm safety attitudes | Yes; positive changes in farm safety attitudes and discussions related to injury prevention, and improved safety behavior |
Riggs | Yes | No | Behavioral process (community organization empowerment) | Yes | Yes | Quality of strategic plans; committee functioning; prevention plan activities | Yes; increased quality of strategic plans; higher committee functioning; increased prevention plan activities |
Siegel | Yes | Yes | Clinical behavioral | Yes | Yes | BMI, waist: hip ratio, minutes of physical activity, fruit and vegetable intake | Yes; reduction in BMI |
Two Feathers | Yes | Yes | Clinical behavioral other | Yes | Yes | Change in Hg A1C, weight, BMI, BP | Yes |