A. Sugar composition derived from microsomal preparations of wild-type and frb1ā2. Monosaccharides and uronic acids were identified based on retention time and comparison to pure standards and values are expressed in % of total area. Significant changes (two-tailed Student's t-test, nā=ā3, *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01) are marked with stars. Rha: rhamnose, Ara: arabinose, Gal: galacatose, Glc: glucose, Xyl-Man: unseparated peak containing xylose and mannose, GalA: galacturonic acid, GlcA: glucuronic acid. B. The total radioactivity in the chloroform insoluble material. C. The total radioactivity in the chloroform soluble material. See the experimental procedures for details.