Figure 1. Simulated rat head direction (HD) error in the absence of vision.
A. Simulated 10 steps in a 76 cm diameter circular arena, showing ground truth (blue) and pure odometry (red), where cumulative HD error is modelled as a Wiener process, discretized stepwise. The particle cloud estimate of current position (grey) is also shown (see text for details of trajectory model and particle filter). The rate of error variance increase was estimated from [40]. B. Using the same parameters as A, a frequency histogram of absolute angular drift (in °/min) from 104 random paths is shown. From this distribution, 104 samples of size 19 were randomly drawn with replacement, and 95% confidence intervals for the range minimum and maximum are shown in grey. This provides an independent comparison with [41] who reported that a sample of 19 HDCs showed an absolute drift rate ranging from 5.1 to 26.6 °/min without vision. These results suggest that using a discretized Wiener process as a first approximation of rat HD angular drift is reasonable.