Figure 1.
The mDA marker gene, DAT is a direct downstream target of Lmx1a. a–b. Exogenous Lmx1a expression by retroviral infection. Scale bar=50μm. c–h. J1 ES cells were infected with either empty virus or Lmx1a-expression virus at the NP stage, and analyzed by immunofluorescence at ND3. Scale bar=50μm. i. Lmx1a significantly increases the expression of DA markers, TH, DDC, DAT and VMAT2, shown by real time PCR analysis at stage ND3. Relative mRNA levels are shown where the value of empty vector is set at 100 (n=4 from independent differentiation, mean±SEM, p<0.05). j–o. DAT immunocytochemistry of either empty virus or Lmx1a-expressing virus treated cells at ND3. Note that some DAT+ cells in Lmx1a-expressing cells are not yet TH+. p–r. Most DAT+ cells are also expressing TH by ND7. Scale bar=50μm. s. DAT uptake assay. Empty virus or Lmx1a virus-treated cells were subject to DAT uptake assay at ND stage day 7 (n=3 from independent differentiation, mean±SEM, p<0.05).