Figure 5.
Lufaxin displays antiinflammatory activity. A, Lufaxin blocks PAR2 activation induced by FXa in the MDA-MB-231 cell line. Medium (left panel) or Lufaxin (50 nM, right panel) was added to the cells 60 min, followed by addition of FXa (10 nM) for 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, and 60 min. FXa was not added to the cells at time zero. Then, cell lysates were obtained and used for detection of p-ERK by western blot. As a control for protein loading, ERK detection was also performed. Detection for both panels were performed side by side using the same film and time of exposure. B, band densitometry for the gel presented in A. The ratio of pERK/Erk is reported. C, Lufaxin blocks the inflammatory effects of FXa. Posterior paw edema was induced by intradermal injection of 30 µL of FXa (10 µg, 7.3 µM) in the presence of PBS (circles) or FXa previously incubated with 3.2 µM (squares) or 9.8 µM (up triangles) of Lufaxin. Edema caused by 30 µL of PBS only is shown by down triangles. Edema formation (increase in paw thickness in mm) was estimated with a caliper before injection of FXa or after 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes FXa. Four posterior paws were used for each data point. *, P<0.05 (for both concentrations of Lufaxin).