Figure 3.
Intraoral photographs and periapical radiographs in case 3. (a) Pre-treatment intraoral photograph of the mandibular right second premolar. Gingival swelling on the buccal side is evident (white arrow). (b) Pre-treatment periapical radiograph of the tooth. Note the periapical radiolucency with thin root walls (white arrow). (c) Intraoral photograph obtained after access cavity preparation. Note the bloody purulent discharge (white arrow). (d) Intraoral photograph obtained 1 week later. Complete reduction of gingival swelling is evident (white arrow). (e) Periapical radiograph obtained immediately after placement of MTA into the root canal. (f) Periapical radiograph obtained at the 2-month follow-up. Periapical radiolucency has decreased (white arrow). (g) Periapical radiograph obtained at the 42-month follow-up. Thickness of the root wall has increased and the periapical radiolucency has disappeared completely (white arrow). MTA, mineral trioxide aggregate.