Rates of amino acid incorporation into protein by normoxic (aerated), hypoxic (3% O2), and anoxic (N2) grown coleoptiles as determined by [14C/3H]amino acid tracer experiments Three-day-old seedlings (10–15) were labelled in solution containing 5 mM of cold label and 10 nCi ml−1 of [14C/3H] label as a tracer. Labelling period was 4 h. Total 14C/3H incorporation was determined for each treatment. Using the known amino acid composition of proteins in each treatment (see Supplementary Table S1 at JXB online), total rates of amino acid incorporation into protein were estimated for each treatment. Data are mean and SEM (n=3 for each label). Statistically different data across treatments (Tukey–Kramer, α=0.05) are indicated by different letters.