A. Serial dilutions of wild type, wis1Δ, mcs4Δ, wis4Δ, win1-1 and wis4Δ win1-1 strains were plated in rich media (YES) or rich media containing 50 µM sodium arsenate. Pictures were taken after incubation at 30°C for 48 hours. B. Western blotting of purified Spc1 extracts from wild type, wis1Δ, wis1-AA, win1-1, wis4Δ, and win1-1 wis4Δ treated with 100 µM sodium arsenate for 0 to 30 minutes. Antibodies against phosphorylated p38 were used. As a control, antibodies against HA epitope were used. C. Western blotting of purified Spc1 extracts from wild type, wis1Δ, win1-1 wis4Δ, win1-1 wis4Δ pyp1Δ and win1-1 wis4Δ pyp2Δ treated with 100 µM sodium arsenate for 0 to 30 minutes. Antibodies against phosphorylated p38 were used. As a control, antibodies against HA epitope were used.