The reversible Green's function and survival probability for an initially unbound isolated pair in 2D. The parameters are: a = 1, D = 2, r0 = 1.1, κa = 2πD. The left panel shows the r dependence of the reversible GF 2πrg(r, t|r0) at time t = 10η for various values of the dissociation constant κd = 1 η−1, 0.5 η−1, 0.1 η−1, 0.01 η−1, where η = a2D−1 denotes the natural time scale of the system. The solid lines correspond to the analytical expression Eq. 26. The various markers refer to numerical solutions that were obtained using the SSDP software, ver. 2.66. The right panel shows the time dependence of the survival probability S(t|r0). The dissociation constant is κd = 0.5 η−1. The solid line refers to the analytical expression in Eq. 29. The markers indicate the SSDP results.