Figure 1.
Rupture characteristics obtained numerically using a potential with two barriers at constant loading rates. (a) U(x) (magenta) and U(x) − f · x (cyan) with A = 5 pN nm and f = 50 pN. Reflecting and absorbing boundary conditions are set at x = a and x = b, respectively. (b) Rupture force distributions, , at varying rf were computed by using mean first passage time (MFPT), , starting from the first bound state at a(=0 nm) to reach an absorbing boundary at b(=5 nm). MFPT expression is valid in the force regime where stationary flux approximation holds.4 The length was scaled by nm, and D = 1.0 × 107 nm2/s was used for the diffusion constant. (c) [f*, log rf] plots at three A values. Fits of [f*, log rf] to Eq. 5 yield ν ≪ 0.5 for all A values (ν = 0.064, 0.075, 0.046 for A = 4, 5, 6 pN nm, respectively). In this case, the data should be divided into two regions and analyzed by the two linear fits as depicted using green lines on the curve with A = 6 pN nm. (d) Loading rate dependent x‡(rf) (= xts − xb), extracted from the slope of plot at each rf in (c) with A = 5 pN nm, shows a sharp decrease from ∼3 nm to <1 nm around rf ≈ (e−3 − e0) pN/s.