Figure 6.
Ultrastructural analysis of small intestine of DKO mice shows abnormal mitochondria. (A) The majority of the villus cells in DKO mice have abnormal mitochondria (black arrowheads). Bar, 2 μm. (B) The mitochondria show complete loss, disorganization and collapse of cristae and accumulation of spherical homogenous electron-dense lipid inclusions (see inset) with the mitochondria (black arrowheads). Bars, 100 nm. Data are from one representative experiment typical of eight other with similar results. (C) Villin localizes to the mitochondria. MDCK Tet-Off cells stably transfected with super enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (SEYFP)-villin were stained with Mitotracker red (20 nM) and treated without or with CPT (20 μM). Co-localization of villin with mitochondria in CPT-treated cells is shown in the merged image. Bar, 5 μM