Figure 5. Decreased Treg cell numbers and histological features of immune-mediated resorption in deciduas of CNS1-deficient female mice.
(A) Representative flow cytometric analysis of Foxp3+ Treg cells in decidua and analysis of decidua and lymph nodes (LN) of CNS1-sufficient (WT) and -deficient (KO) mice mated with BALB/c males and analyzed on day E13.5-E14.5. Error bars indicate standard error (n=8-12). (B) Representative flow cytometric analysis of activated CD62Llo Foxp3-negative CD4+ T cells within the decidua and analysis of decidua and LN. (C) Histopathological evaluation of placentas from WT (left) and CNS1 KO (right) females mated with BALB/c males; low power magnification survey of representative sections of H&E stained placenta. The maternal spiral arteries (SA) are more frequently clustered and prominent in KO placenta at day E12.5 (arrows, upper right panel) (representative of 6-8 mice analyzed per group with 4-10 placental sites each). (D) Analysis of H&E stained sections of the KO placentas at day E13.5; early necrosis of SA (arrow, left) in the decidua (DB) and edema (arrowhead, left) at the chorionic plate. Resorption sites (lower right) shown in the same animal were characterized by loss of embryo and necrotic labyrinths (L) with variable necrosis in the trophoblast (T) layer; embryo (E) and yolk sac (YS) as indicated. Scale bars=500μm. (E) Immunohistochemical staining for CD3 in day E12.5 placentas from CNS1-sufficient (WT) and –deficient (KO) females. CD3+ T cells (brown staining) are more numerous in the KO placentas in the proximity to maternal spiral arteries (SA). Scale bars=100μm. See also Figure S3-5.