Table A1.
Task | Materials/set-up | Script | Control/test questions |
Perspective takinga | Clear picture frame with blue fish on one side, white fish on the other. Examiner sits across from participant | “We are going to look at a picture of a fish. What color is the fish? Okay let’s switch spots. (Examiner switches seats with participant, without moving orientation of frame). Now what color is the fish?” | Control: none Test: “What color fish do I see over here? |
Diverse desiresb | Picture of a broccoli and cookie; female adult figurine | “Here’s Grandma. It’s snack-time. Grandma wants a snack to eat. Here are two snacks, broccoli and a cookie. Which do you like best? Well that’s a good choice, but Grandma really likes [opposite]. She doesn’t like [participant’s choice]. What she likes best is [opposite]” | Control: none Test: “Now it’s time to eat. Grandma can only choose one snack, just one. Which snack will Grandma choose?” |
Diverse beliefb | Girl figurine, displayed midway between a picture of a bush and a garage | “Here’s Amy. She wants to find her cat. Her cat might be hiding in the bushes or it might be hiding in the garage. Where do you think the cat is? Well, that’s a good idea but Amy thinks her cat is in the [opposite]” | Control: none Test: “Where will Amy look for her cat?” |
False beliefb | Goldfish crackers box with plastic toy dog inside; boy figurine | “Here’s a Goldfish box, what do you think is inside the Goldfish box? Let’s see. It’s really a dog inside! Okay, what is in the box?” “Here comes Sam. Sam has never looked inside this Goldfish box” | Control: “Did Sam look inside this box?” Test: “What does Sam think is in the box?” |
Knowledge accessb | Box with a ball inside; girl figurine | “Here’s a box. What do you think is inside the box? Let’s see… It’s really a ball inside! So, what is in the box? Here’s Amy. She’s never looked inside this box” | Control: “Did Amy look inside this box?” Test: “Does Amy know what is in the box? |
Explicit false beliefb | Picture of a backpack and closet; boy figurine | “Here’s Sam. Sam really wants to find his game. Sam’s game may be in his backpack. Or it may be in the closet. Well, really Sam’s game is in his backpack. But Sam thinks his game is in the closet” | Control: “Where is Sam’s game really?” Test: “Where will Sam look for his game?” |
Unexpected contents false beliefc,d | Cardboard M and M’s box filled with buttons. Second examiner, who has left the room | “What do you think is in this box? Lets’ look inside and see. What’s in here?” | Control: “When I first showed you the box, what did you think was inside it before you opened it?” Test: “[Second examiner] has never seen what is in this box. What will she think is in the box?” |
Unexpected transfer false beliefc,d | A pen. Second examiner places the pen on the table and announces “I need to go find my bag in the other room- I’ll leave my pen right here where it is safe” | “I know, let’s play a trick on [second examiner]. Let’s hide her pen. Where do you want to hide it?” | Control: “Where is the pen really?” Test: “When [second examiner] comes back, where will she look for her pen?” |
Simple desirese | Bowl of Goldfish crackers and bowl of rice cakes | “It’s snack-time! Which do you like better? (Examiner tastes each food). Mmm [opposite of child’s preferred snack]! Mmm, I tasted the [opposite]! Mmm! Eww [child’s choice]! Eww, I tasted [child’s choice]. Eww!” | Control: none Test: “Can you give me some?” (Examiner holds out hand) |
Appearance-realityf | Sponge that looks like a rock; Candle that is shaped like a crayon; Doll that is covered with a ghost cloth; White card covered by translucent pink cellophane | “When you look at this, what does it look like? | Control: none Test: “What is it really? But what does it look like?” |