Representative charts showing similarity in the 14-3-3 isoform genes expression pattern across different plant tissue in Arabidopsis thaliana based on selected microarrays expression data from ArrayExpress database. The experiment IDs in ArrayExpress database are provided in the chart title. Gene expression data was analyzed for only untreated, wt, Colombia cultivar plants. Y axis raw expression units relative to UBQ11 (At4g05050). Data from E-MTAB-1009 and E-GEOD-30096 was used to plot 14-3-3 isoform genes expression level across whole shoots, hypocotyls, and roots as well as root zones. The distance in the legend defines the distance from the root tip (A). The two independent experiments were analyzed, E-GEOD-5526 and E-MEXP-695 to plot 14-3-3 isoform genes expression level across reproductive tissues: siliques, closed flower buds, and open flowers were included. The asterisk indicates the higher 14-3-3 iota isoform expression level exclusively in closed flower buds (B). Notes: GRF (λ)/GRF4 (φ) label: GRF1 (λ alias GF14 λ; At4g09000), and GRF4 (φ alias GF14 φ; At1g35160) share same probe 255079_s_at on A-AFFY-2 - AffymetrixGeneChip Arabidopsis Genome [ATH1-121501]. As other _s_at probes (_s indicating Similarity) this probe represents a set with all probes common among multiple transcripts within a gene family, in this particular case chi and phi therefore both genes GF14 PHI and CHI could be found as annotated for the same probe. All other 14-3-3 members have unique probe IDs on ATH1-121501 arrays (_at individual probe).