Fig. 3.
The effect of aging and changes in PCWP on Doppler measures of LV diastolic filling. A: the E/A ratio varied in relation to PCWP (loading condition main effect, P < 0.001) but remained lower in the late middle age and seniors compared with the young group during all conditions (age main effect, P < 0.001). B: Em was altered in response to changes in PCWP (loading condition main effect, P < 0.001). Across all loading conditions, Em was faster in the young group compared with all other groups. Em of the two older groups did not reach baseline levels of the younger groups even when PCWP was increased (age main effect, P < 0.001). C: IVRT was slower in the seniors vs. all other groups irrespective of loading conditions. D: while age-associated differences in baseline VP were attenuated in the middle age groups during loading, the seniors group had an attenuated VP response, and consequently remained lower compared with the other groups across all LV filling pressures (age × loading condition interaction effect, P < 0.001). *P < 0.05 vs. young group at the same loading condition. Values are means ± SE.