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. 2012 Aug 20;7(8):e43216. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043216

Table 2. The results of a linear mixed model to estimate the effect of closantel treatment at dry-off (or approximately 42 days before calving for heifers) on 305-day milk production in 11 herds exposed to F. hepatica (based on 402 cows).

Variable β S.E. P
Intercept 10,685 544 <0.001
Closantel (vs. placebo) 303 135 0.026
Lactation number (baseline = 3rd and higher): <0.001
First −2,522 189
Second −543 163
Breed (baseline = Holstein Friesian):
Dutch Friesian −256 259 0.324
Ln (SCCa/1000) −158 61 0.009

Somatic cell count.