Figure 1. Analysis of the HLA region association signals in PBC.
In each panel, the symbols show the strength of the association signal (ordinate) for the corresponding position (Mb, HG19) on chromosome 6 (abscissa). For panel A, the p value before conditioning is shown. For panels B-F the p values are shown after conditioning on the HLA determinant(s) indicated in the panel. The blue color coded symbols denotes the strongest associated marker with p value <10−6, and the other markers are color coded to indicate marker LD with the strongest associated marker: Markers with strong LD (r2 > 0.8) (red); moderate LD (r2 > 0.5) (orange), weak LD (r2 > 0.2) (yellow) and little or no LD (open symbols) are shown. The SNPs with the strongest associations were rs115721871 at bp 32653792 (panels A and D), rs9277558 at bp 33056711 (panels B and C), and rs9268668 at bp 32413889 (panel F).