FIG. 8.
PCMSC had improved survival in the infarcted rat heart. (A) PCR for sry-gene expression in the female animal hearts from different treatment groups on day 4 after their respective treatment. Sry-gene expression was significantly higher in the PCMSC-transplanted animal hearts of group-3 as compared with the Non-PCMSC-transplanted animal hearts of group-2. The DMEM-treated animal hearts of group-1 did not show the sry-gene and served as a negative control. (B) qRT-PCR showing a higher level of expression of miR-107 in the infarcted rat heart on day 4 post-transplantation of PCMSC as compared with Non-PCMSC and DMEM-treated animal hearts. (C) PCR for the sry-gene analysis of animal hearts transplanted with PCMSC trnasfected with anti-miR-107 and anti-miR-210 using Sc-transfected PCMSC as a control. Transfection with anti-miR-107 and anti-miR-210 significantly abolished the cytoprotective effects of preconditioning. PCMSC with anti-miR-107 (animal group-5) and anti-miR-210 (animal group-6) transfection showed significantly lower survival as compared with the Sc-transfected PCMSC (animal group-4). DMEM, Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium.