Figure 4. Frequency and abundance of the archaeal lineages.
(A) Frequency of archaeal lineages in clone libraries constructed from samples collected at 0–2 cm, 10–12 cm and 36–38 cm in the sediment core 1. Segments in the circles correspond to OTUs grouping sequences with >97% similarity. (B) Abundance of the methanogenic (Methanosaetaceae+Methanomicrobiales) and uncultured archaeal lineages (MBG-D+Crenarchaeota). (C) Abundance of the Methanomicrobiales and Methanosaetaceae; (D) Abundance of the MBG-D and Crenarchaeota. Each symbol represents the average value of the duplicate of 16S rDNA quantification from samples collected in the sediment core 1. MBG-D: Marine Benthic Group-D, MCG: Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group.