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. 2012 Aug 17;61(9):2280–2288. doi: 10.2337/db11-1138

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

Diabetes drives TrkA expression in affected kidneys. A: Five biopsy specimens of patients with DN (i) and tissues from human control individuals (ii) were stained with PAS; representative photomicrographs are shown. B: Immunohistochemistry for TrkA was performed in all biopsy specimens and representative microphotographs of DN and control tissue are shown. C: Real-time PCR for TrkA expression in specimens of tissues from kidneys of HC patients (n = 3) and DN patients (n = 4) was performed. Results are shown as fold change normalized to one of the HC samples. D: Phosphorylated form of TrkA (Y490) was detected with specific antibody in DN but was not present, or barely detectable, in control specimens (blue-purple, hematoxylin counterstain of nuclei; brown, specific stain of TrkA). E: A murine model of DN (DBA/2-Ins2Akita, lower panel) and DBA/2 control (upper panel) mice were probed immunohistochemically for CD31 expression, a marker of endothelial cells (brown, CD31; blue-purple, hematoxylin nuclear counterstain) and for TrkA (brown, TrkA; blue-purple, hematoxylin nuclear counterstain). Data for n = 6 mice; representative photomicrographs are shown. The arrows indicate CD31-positive cells in glomeruli; arrowheads indicate TrkA staining in tubules. F: CD31-postive glomerular cells were counted in control mice and compared with CD-31 positivity in glomeruli of DN mice. The error bars in C and F show the SD. (A high-quality digital representation of this figure is available in the online issue.)