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. 2012 Aug 22;7(8):e43531. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043531

Table 1. Symbols and description of the main parameters and variables used in the model for Mongolian Scots pine trees growth. Values are given only for parameters. (GU: Growth Unit, PA: Physiological Age).

Parameters/Variables Description(unit) Value
Zr Maximum effective rooting depth [m] 1
θF Soil water content at field capacity [m3 m−3] 0.12
θW Soil water content at wilting point [m3 m−3] 0.07
Kc Crop coefficient 1
Ks Soil water-stress coefficient
Dr Root zone depletion at the end of one day[mm]
ETa Actual plant evapotranspiration on one day [mm]
ET0 Reference plant evapotranspiration on one day [mm]
M Maximum PA of the tree 4
d Plant density [m−2] 1
B Scale coefficient of single GU (PA = 1, 2, 3, 4) 76.4, 163.3, 197.7, 358.0
β Shape coefficient of single GU (PA = 1, 2, 3, 4) −0.24, −0.30, −0.20, 0.14
Cw Average water content of plant 60%
ε Specific leaf weight [g cm−2] 0.035
k Extinction coefficient 0.5
WUE Water-use efficiency [g kg−1] 4.5
pe Relative sink strength of “internodes” (PA = 1, 2, 3, 4) 1.37, 0.12,0.04, 0.01
pa Relative sink strength of needles (PA = 1, 2, 3, 4) 1(ref), 0.42, 0.17, 0.05
pc Relative sink strength of growth rings 11.09
λ Coefficient for needle influence on ring partitioning 0.03
Rp Secondary sink for growth ring partitioning (PA = 2, 3, 4) [cm−1] 0.07, 0.01, 0.001
Ta Actual plant transpiration on one day [mm]
Q(i) Aboveground biomass produced at tree age i [g]
D(i) Overall biomass demand at tree age i
No Number of organs of type o
Sp Available ground area of a tree
Sa Total functioning leaf area of a tree
Δ Slope of the vapour pressure curve
R Net radiation at the plant surface [MJ m−2 d−1]
γ Psychrometric constant [k Pa °C−1]
T Mean daily air temperature at a height of 2 m [°C]
Vw Mean daily wind speed at a height of 2 m
es Saturation vapour pressure [kPa]
ea Actual vapour pressure [kPa]
P Precipitation [mm]

Note: The parameter values are obtained from the reference [27].

The parameter values are obtained by fitting process. The other parameters and variables are measured directly in the experiments or obtained by simple calculation. The entries with blank values are not constant in the model.