Figure 7. Self-Agency.
A. Tickle test results. Tickle intensity ratings (y-axis) are plotted as a function of the body part being tickled (x-axis). Tickle condition is color coded: red = self-administered tickle, blue = experimenter-administered tickle. The graph shows normal “feeling of agency” in R, with lower intensity ratings in the self-administered tickle condition as compared to the experimenter-administered tickle condition (the scale goes from 0, “not ticklish at all,” to 10, “extremely ticklish”). B. Self-agency judgment task results. Mean subjective ratings of control over the movement of the blue box (from 0 = “no control” to 100 = “completely in control”), plotted as a function of objective variation in control (i.e., “noise” which is the proportion of time not in control during a trial). The group mean for each noise condition for healthy comparison participants are represented in gray, with error bars corresponding to 2 standard deviations from the mean. R's mean ratings are represented in red. For all participants, including R, the sense of control parametrically decreased as noise (i.e., objectively manipulated lack of control) increased. In all conditions, R's sense of self-agency was entirely within normal limits. Error bars = 2 standard deviations from the mean. Red = R's ratings. Gray = group mean of the healthy comparison participants.