Fig. 7.
SWS reconstruction error ΔRMS (top row) and resolution R2080,1 (bottom row) vs. reconstruction kernel size from simulations of CH4-1 generated shear waves, including simulated ultrasonic displacement tracking, for shear wave propagation across a 10 mm thick layer (E = 20 kPa) in a uniform background (E = 5 kPa). For this simulation, the lateral beamwidth of the CH4-1 excitation was 1.4 mm. Results are shown for the Xcorr50, Xcorr100, TTP, and TTPS methods used to estimate the wave arrival time. Plotted data are the mean ± standard deviation results calculated from 10 independent scattering realizations. Resolution results R2080,2 at the second boundary of the layer are similar to the R2080,1 results and are not shown.