Figure 4.
Hypocotyl Lengths of Arabidopsis Seedlings Expressing phyA/phyB Chimeric Proteins under Continuous FR.
(A) Hypocotyl lengths of seedlings grown under continuous FR (18 μmol/m2/s) for 5 d. The hypocotyl lengths are presented relative to the dark (D). Data are the means ± se (n = 25). Ler, Landsberg erecta.
(B) The relationship between hypocotyl length under continuous FR (ordinate) and protein expression levels (abscissa) in independent transgenic lines (see Supplemental Figure 5 online for enlarged views). Expression levels were estimated by densitometric analysis as for Figure 2C and are expressed in units relative to endogenous phyA. The hypocotyl lengths are presented relative to dark. Data are the means ± se (n = 25). Asterisks indicate the lines chosen as representative, as shown in Figure 1. WT, the wild type.