Tg mouse lines with a moderate expression of Myc-tagged T60A-β5 precursor under the control of an attenuated mhc6 promoter were created. A, Schematic illustration of the transgenic (TG) construct used for fertilized egg microinjections to create the T60A-β5 Tg mouse founders. B, Sample images of western blot analyses for Myc (upper panel) and the β5 subunit (lower panel) of the 20S proteasome in ventricular myocardium of mice from 2 independent tg lines (Line 1, TG-1; Line 2, TG-2) at 8 weeks. C, A summary of myocardial endogenous β5 (Endo-β5) protein expression in T60A-β5 TG and NTG littermate mice at 8 weeks. D, Representative images of immunoblot analyses (IB) of the indicated proteins in immunoprecipitated (IP) 20S proteasomes from the ventricular myocardium of Myc-T60A-β5 TG and NTG littermate mice at the baseline condition. Antibodies againstα3 subunit of the 20S were used for IP 20S proteasomes from crude protein extracts from ventricular myocardium. E, Expression of T60A-β5 suppressed the chymotrypsin-like activity of 20S proteasomes in the heart. **p<0.01 vs. Ntg; n=4 mice/group.