Figure 3.
Expansion of the Treg compartment in untreated ADA−/− mice. (A) Anti-CD3 and FoxP3 immunohistochemistry in thymi of 3-week-old ADA+/+ and ADA−/− mice (original magnification ×10). (B) TaqMan gene expression analysis for CD4 and FoxP3 on total thymi of ADA−/− (n = 6) mice compared with ADA+/+ (n = 6). ADA+/+ gene expression was arbitrarily considered 1 as represented by the dashed line. Data are mean ± SD. (C) Representative FACS analysis for CD4+CD25+FoxP3+CTLA4+CD45RBlow Tregs in ADA+/+ and ADA−/− PB. (D) Percentage of CD25+FoxP3+CTLA4+CD45RBlow Tregs in CD4+ compartment in PB, lymph nodes (LN), thymus, and spleen of ADA+/+ (n = 11) and ADA−/− (n = 11) mice. Data are mean ± SD. **P = .005-.0005. ***P ≤ .0005. (E) ADA enzymatic activity in ADA+/+ CD4+CD25− T effector (n = 3) and CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells (n = 3). Data are mean ± SD. **P = .008.