Figure 1.
In vivo confocal microscopy images at the level of the corneal epithelium and stroma in patients with Herpes Simplex keratitis (HSK). A–D) Superficial epithelium A) Normal cornea. B) HSK, normal sensation; No increase in cell size; No decrease in density; prominent nucleoli and bright cell borders are present. C) HSK, mild sensation loss; Increase in cell size and decrease in density; further increase in hyperreflectivity. D) HSK, severe sensation loss; Very large cells; Lower cell density; Highly reflective cells. E–H) Basal epithelium. E) Normal cornea. F) HSK, normal sensation. G) HSK, mild sensation loss. H) HSK, severe seneation loss. -H) Basal Epithelium; No significant changes with loss of sensation. I) Normal cornea, anterior stroma. J) HSK, severe sensation loss, anterior stroma. K) Normal cornea, posterior stroma. L) HSK, severe loss of sensation, posterior stroma.