Fig 5.
Class-level sequence affiliates. Percentages of OTUs are related to the nearest order-level affiliation (labeled if ≥3%) derived from 16S rRNA gene bar-coded pyrosequencing of bacteria associated with the surface mucus layer of M. faveolata (a) and P. astreoides (b) corals from St. Thomas, USVI, the Florida Keys inshore site, and Belize. Taxonomic affiliations were derived from SILVA database hits (>97% identity). Pie charts are shaded by class-level affiliation, indicating Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria and “Other,” which includes Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria. Sites are arranged from least to greatest distance from the mainland, from left to right, as a proxy for anthropogenic influence.