Figure 3. Triadin peptide modulates purified RyR1 single channel open time, closed time and closed frequency.
(A) Average data for open probability (Po) in presence of triadin200–232 and triadin200–231 (n = 10), data from both peptides combined (see results text, collectively termed triadin peptide, n = 11–20) for each of the following parameters; open time (To), close time (Tc) and open frequency (Fo), collected at −40 mV and +40 mV. All data is expressed as relative mean data (Log rel (parameter)). Relative mean Po (log rel Po) is the average of differences between the log10 of the Po in the presence of either 63 nM or 252 nM triadin peptide (log10 Po Pep) and log10 of the control Po (log10 Po Con) for each channel. Log rel To is log10 To Pep-log10 To Con, log rel Tc is log10 Tc Pep-log10 Tc Con and log rel Fo is log10 Fo Pep-log10 Fo Con. (B) [3H]ryanodine binding to purified RyR1 in the absence and presence of 63 nM of triadin peptide. [3H]ryanodine binding is measured as pmol ryanodine/mg RyR1. Data is expressed relative to binding recorded in the absence of peptides (rel ryanodine binding). Significance (p≤0.05) is indicated for each concentration compared to activity recorded prior to addition of peptide (*).