(A) Germline-enriched sequences were identified by comparing observed relative hybridization intensities to a normal distribution with the same number of sampled regions (N) and standard deviation (s.d.). The y-axis is plotted on log10 scale in order to magnify differences at the tails of the distribution. All previously discovered germline-specific sequences [1] (marked by arrows and brackets) and several additional germline-specific sequences were identified in this assay. (B) Examples of PCR validation of single-copy sequences eliminated from soma and their expression in the germline. Sequences are present in testes gDNA (genomic DNA) but absent from blood gDNA. These same fragments can be amplified from testes cDNA, but not from the source RNA (a control for gDNA contamination) or reagent blank. S = Sperm, B = Blood, A = Adult testes, J = Juvenile testes, RB = Reagent Blank, M = 100 bp DNA Ladder.