Single-scattering SAXS reflectance predictions for the primary optical peaks of channel (a–i) and sphere-type (j–r) amorphous barb nanostructures. SAXS single-scattering reflectance predictions (black lines) and measured normal incidence reflectance curves (coloured lines) for (a) UV (black) belly feather barbs of Charmosyna papou (Psittacidae), (b) violet primary feather barbs of Acryllium vulturinum (Psittacidae), (c) royal blue rump feather barbs of S. sialis (Turdidae), (d) sky blue rump feather barbs of Alcedo atthis (Alcedinidae), (e) deep azure blue back feather barbs of Irena puella (Irenidae), (f) electric blue wing covert feather barbs of Pitta maxima (Pittidae), (g) emerald green back feather barbs of Ailuroedus buccoides (Ptilonorhynchidae), (h) emerald green back feather barbs of Charmosyna papou (Psittacidae), (i) emerald green back feather barbs of Calyptomena whitehadi (Eurylaimidae), (j) deep blue throat feather barbs of Tangara chilensis (Thraupidae), (k) royal blue wing covert feather barbs of Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron (Thraupidae), (l) violet scapular feather barbs of Conirostrum albifrons (Thraupidae), (m) dark turquoise blue back feather barbs of C. maynana (Cotingidae), (n) sky blue back feather barbs of male Tersina viridis (Thraupidae), (o) azure blue rump feather barbs of Lepidothrix serena (Pipridae), (p) golden yellow crown feather barbs of Lepidothrix vilasboasi (Pipridae), (q) electric green back feather barbs of Chloronis riefferii (Thraupidae), (r) golden crown feather barbs of Tangara larvata (Thraupidae). The colour of the measured reflectance curves is approximately coded to the colour of the feather barbs based on the spectral position of the primary reflectance peak.