Fig. 6.
Gross oxygen evolution per leaf area measured at approximately 1000 µbar CO2 for WT plants (>0.85 µmol m–2 functional PSII centres, n = 5) and antisense mutants with low PSII functional centres (<0.6 µmol m–2, n = 8) PSII functional centres. Gross oxygen evolution rates were calculated relative to the signal drift in the dark, which was taken to be mitochondrial respiration. Solid lines are a fit of the average points to the model given in Equation 1. Model parameters for WT plants are E Omax = 19.25, ठ = 0.93, ΦO = 0.40. For low PsbO plants, E Omax =19.56, ठ = 0.85, ΦO = 0.21.