Figure 7.
Compound 3a or valproate reduced the locomotor hyperactivity induced by chlordiazepoxide (CDP) + amphetamine (Amph) mixture in C57BL/6J mice. Locomotor activity was quantified for a period of 1 h. Each bar represents the mean (±SEM) of the total distance traveled (m) for at least eleven mice. The mixture of Amph + CDP produced greater locomotor activity than Amph alone (#, p <0.05 Veh–Mix vs Veh–Amph; Fisher’s PLSD). Pretreatment with 3a or valproate reduced the locomotor activity produced by the Amph + CDP mixture (*, p <0.05 3a–Mix or Val–Mix vs Veh–Mix; Fisher’s PLSD). Vehicle control: ; valproate (400 mg kg−1>; 30 min):
; valproate (400 mg kg−1>; 5 min):
; 3a (150 mg kg−1>; 5 min):